InfoGlaze's Business Continuity Planning Services

InfoGlaze offers high-level online consulting for business continuity planning, testing, and training to help you prepare for potential disasters, minimize downtime for your most critical IT operations, avoid data loss, and comply with examiners' letters and agency requirements. InfoGlaze's business continuity experts can work closely with your management and IT support staff to:

Disaster Recovery Products Supported by InfoGlaze

An exciting option for seamless, low-cost disaster recovery is to use Microsoft's Hyper-V virtualization software, included free with Windows Server 2008, and combine it with Microsoft's System Center Data Protection Manager 2010. This makes it easy to replicate your entire IT server infrastructure at a branch office or an out-of-state data center. The technology's ability to limit data loss to at most the last 15 minutes of IT transactions is revolutionary and the software is well within the budgets of most businesses. Add a well designed VoIP telecommunications infrastructure to keep the phones humming and you are well on your way to a DR/BC solution of a quality that until recently has been reserved for large enterprises.

To help you create your DR/BC solution, InfoGlaze offers consulting and support for a broad range of technologies from leading vendors. Product-specific services provided by InfoGlaze to help you implement your disaster recovery solution include:

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Infoglaze Inc. Information technology consultants